There is a chance that I won't be involved in Boos::mpi anymore, so I won't be able to help on that one. But I can still talk about it :-)
Now, as far as MS-MPI is concerned, I think that the main problem is that most HPC platforms are not using MS in the first place. As a result the platform is not very well (read, at all) tested.
I do not have access to a windows platform, and all the HPC facilities I use are running Linux, so validating a patch would be tricky. I'm afraid that most peoples involved in boost::mpi are in that situation.

And then there is the boost build system. Even on Linux, the support for, say, Intel's MPI was not easy to provide. The Bjam build system is tailored for MPI implementations based on Open-MPI and Mpich (it runs "mpicc -show<xxx> to find out the compilation options, so if those options are not available or do not work as expected, you're in trouble), and I don't really understand how the jam thing works (but then, who does?) in order to make it more flexible. I could try reading the doc.. (just kidding).

I do not think it's going to improve soon, as the only solution that boost could come up with to fix the bjam issues is to develop a new bjam...

As a side note, I'm starting a small project as a fork of boost::mpi and moved the build system to CMake, and it's such a comfort !
For example, if you need to add a test, you can use the add_test command, for which there is a documentation, in the cmake documentation (provided with cmake).

Thruth be told, I am not a big fan of CMake, except when I have to work with bjam.

Now, maybe someone with access to MS-MPI can try submitting a documentation  PR through github.



On 09/11/2016 12:21, wrote:

Hi fellow boost::mpi users!


I came across this stackoverflow post which solves building boost::mpi using MS-MPI, but my question is: could someone already involved in boost::mpi development mainline this patch?


Truth be told, I am no big fan of Boost.Build, mostly due to rough edges such as this one. I was out of my mind when I found the project that aimed on using CMake as a primary build system generator for Boost, but was also deeply saddened by the fact that the project was recieved with lethal resistance. FindMPI.cmake is in much better shape than mpi.jam in this regard.


Or is MS-MPI not supported at all? The project page would suggest so, but the build scripts do otherwise. Or are these the remnants of legacy support? MS-MPI has recieved updates in the past few years, so it is far from being discontinued and is in farily good shape. So why is it not on the project webpage?


Thanks in advance,


Boost-mpi mailing list

Alain Miniussi
Pole Génie Logiciel Scientifique
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Blv de l'Observatoire, Nice