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Boost Testing :

From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-15 07:06:16

I'm currently having a lot of problems with the regex regression test
that appear to be caused by bjam not noticing when a dependent header has
changed (The problems do not appear if the tester does a clean rebuild each

For example if I cd into libs/regex/example, and

bjam credit_card_example

to bring that target up to date, and then:

touch ../../../boost/regex/v4/cpp*.hpp
bjam credit_card_example

then nothing gets rebuild (everything should be rebuilt!).

However as soon as I touch a source file:

touch ../src/cpp*.cpp
bjam credit_card_example

Then the touched source files do at least get rebuilt.

It would really really help if this could get fixed: at present some of our
regression test reports are basically worthless - they may be either failing
or *passing* incorrectly for no reason except that bjam has just decided not
to rebuild them!

Many thanks,


Boost-testing list run by mbergal at