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Boost Testing :

From: Caleb Epstein (caleb.epstein_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-19 11:20:26

On 4/19/05, Michael Glassford <glassfordm_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I have some new tests that I'm working on that should be much faster.
> The reason the old tests are so slow is that they use Sleep *a lot*. I
> think I've come up with decent tests that hardly sleep at all;
> hopefully I'll be able to check them in some time today.

Thatd' be great. On Solaris this test sometimes doesn't finish in ~24
hours. But sometimes it does. Not sure what is going on there, but a
revamp of the tests would be fantastic.

Caleb Epstein
caleb dot epstein at gmail dot com

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