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Boost Testing :

From: Markus Schöpflin (markus.schoepflin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-05-10 04:13:15

I just stumbled accross one explanation for false results in the regression
run pages.

Currently, wave is marked as success on Tru64/CXX, but wave fails to build
because of some issues with program_options.

Here is an excerpt from the build log:


    cxx -c -timplicit_local -ptr
  -noimplicit_include -D__USE_STD_IOSTREAM -no
using_std -msg_display_number -msg_disable 186,450,1115 -g -O0 -inline
none -version V6.5-042 -ieee -model ansi
-I"/vol2/boost/results/bin/boost/libs/wave/test/build" -I"/vol2
/boost/boost" -I"/vol2/boost/boost" -o

cxx: Error: ../libs/wave/test/build/../testwave/testwave.cpp, line 82: #304 no
           instance of function template
           "boost::program_options::parse_command_line" matches the argument
             argument types are: (int, char **,
                       boost::program_options::options_description, int,
                       std::pair<std::string, std::string> (const
std::string &)
         po::parsed_options opts(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv,
cxx: Info: 1 error detected in the compilation of
...failed tru64cxx65-C++-action

    cxx -c -timplicit_local -ptr
  -noimplicit_include -D__USE_STD_IOSTREAM -no
using_std -msg_display_number -msg_disable 186,450,1115 -g -O0 -inline
none -version V6.5-042 -ieee -model ansi
-I"/vol2/boost/results/bin/boost/libs/wave/test/build" -I"/vol2
/boost/boost" -I"/vol2/boost/boost" -o

cxx: Warning: /vol2/boost/boost/boost/wave/util/cpp_iterator.hpp, line 522:
           statement either is unreachable or causes unreachable code
cxx: Warning: /vol2/boost/boost/boost/wave/util/cpp_iterator.hpp, line 585:
           statement either is unreachable or causes unreachable code
         BOOST_WAVE_THROW(preprocess_exception, missing_matching_endif, "",
for lack of

But the XML file lists the test as succeeded.

<test-log library="wave" test-name="testwave" test-type="run"
64cxx65-042/debug" toolset="tru64cxx65-042" show-run-output="false">
<link result="succeed" timestamp="2005-05-09 08:13:50 UTC">

    cxx -c -timplicit_local -ptr
  -noimplicit_include -D__USE_STD_IOSTREAM -no
using_std -msg_display_number -msg_disable 186,450,1115 -g -O0 -inline
none -version V6.5-042 -ieee -model ansi
-I"/vol2/boost/results/bin/boost/libs/wave/test/build" -I"/vol2
/boost/boost" -I"/vol2/boost/boost" -o

cxx: Warning: /vol2/boost/boost/boost/wave/util/cpp_iterator.hpp, line 522:
           statement either is unreachable or causes unreachable code
cxx: Warning: /vol2/boost/boost/boost/wave/util/cpp_iterator.hpp, line 585:
           statement either is unreachable or causes unreachable code
         BOOST_WAVE_THROW(preprocess_exception, missing_matching_endif, "",

As can be seen, the link lists the results of the compilation of
test_wave.cpp, which is cleary bogus.

I can provide both the bjam log file and the XML file, if anyone is interested.


Boost-testing list run by mbergal at