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Boost Testing :

From: Martin Wille (mw8329_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-15 15:50:42


I recognized my testing box hasn't uploaded result sets for several
days. The box was running unattended.

The problem is caused by process_jam_log which throws an exception when
it tries to process the output for intel-9.0-linux.

The exception is:

**** exception(205): std::out_of_range: basic_string::insert

I suspect it is triggered by this unusual output from the tests:

/bin/sh: line 3:
Text file busy

That error should only happen when something tries to modify an
executable or a shared library that is used in another process.
I have no idea what could be causing this in our tests.

Only serialization and statechart are affected by the problem.

Should I temporarily remove intel-9 from my set of compilers in order to
publish at least the gcc results?

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