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Boost Testing :

From: Thomas Witt (witt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-15 21:16:39

FYI this seems to break regression testing.


Dave Abrahams wrote on boost.devel

When SourceForge repaired CVS most recently, they also changed the
server names. Yes, this also happened in 2004:

   in 2004: cvs.<project>.(sourceforge|sf).net -> cvs.(sourceforge|sf).net

   in 2006: cvs.(sourceforge|sf).net -> <project>.cvs.(sourceforge|sf).net

If you have Unix tools available, the following at the root of your
working copy will reset the server identity:

    find /projects/boost-cvs -name Root -exec sed -i -e \
    s/cvs[.]s.*[.]net/ \{} \;

and this is the formula for the sandbox

    find /projects/boost-cvs -name Root -exec sed -i -e \
    s/cvs[.]s.*[.]net/ \{} \;



Thomas Witt

Boost-testing list run by mbergal at