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Boost Testing :

From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-03 09:07:58

Joaquin M Lopez Muñoz <joaquin_at_[hidden]> writes:

> David Abrahams <dave <at>> writes:
>> Joaquín Mª López Muñoz <joaquin <at>> writes:
>> > [...]these tests use a 64bit version of MSVC 8.0 on a 64bit
>> > platform that's not supported by Boost.Interval.
>> >
>> > The problem is that the toolset name used is "msvc-8.0", which is
>> > reserved for the "standard" 32bit version,
>> Just to satisfy my curiosity, when/where was that decided and/or
>> documented?
> It's not a explicit stated declaration (hence my quoting
> the word "standard"), but it is implied by the following:
> * Regression results for 1.33.1 include a set of results labeled
> "vc-8_0" which were produced by a 32 bit version of MSVC 8.0
> (see
> CVS-RC_1_33_0/RudbekAssociates.html )
> * These regression results have been transferred to boost/
> libs/expected_results.xml, where they're being used to detemine
> what's to be considered a regression in 1.34 and what's
> a new failure.
> * expected_results.xml marks "msvc-8.0" as an alias of "vc-8_0".


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Boost-testing list run by mbergal at