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Subject: Re: [Boost-testing] [python] missing test file on trunk ?
From: Jim Bell (Jim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-27 06:00:52

I've seen both the and union.cpp problems you both
have seen. As of last night it was union.cpp.

I went ahead and hacked a little, and found that I need to comment out these
boost/libs/python/test/Jamfile.v2, line 202: # [ py-compile union.cpp ]
boost/libs/utility/test/Jamfile.v2, line 28: # [ run
noncopyable_adl_barrier.cpp ]

After commenting out union.cpp, I then hit that second one.

My test now seems to be making real progress.

And for the record, here's the symptom I see on the command line:
# Running Boost.Build tests
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 60, in <module>
  File "C:\tmp\boostMinGW\trunk\tools_regression_src\", line
193, in __init__
  File "C:\tmp\boostMinGW\trunk\tools_regression_src\", line
551, in main
  File "C:\tmp\boostMinGW\trunk\tools_regression_src\", line
516, in command_regression
  File "C:\tmp\boostMinGW\trunk\tools_regression_src\", line
317, in command_test
  File "C:\tmp\boostMinGW\trunk\tools_regression_src\", line
354, in command_test_boost_build
WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified:

For those just joining us, you have to look in the log file to find:
error: Unable to find file or target named
error: 'union.cpp'
error: referred from project at
error: '../libs/python/test'

error: Unable to find file or target named
error: 'noncopyable_adl_barrier.cpp'
error: referred from project at
error: '../libs/utility/test'

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