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Boost Testing :

Subject: Re: [Boost-testing] [boost]filesystem/v2 failure breaking Darwin testing
From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-17 16:45:31


> The tests that were run today have both 63025 and 62912 but compilation
> still fails with the following messages:

If I'm reading the error messages correctly, then the little program
below should fail to compile. Could you please give it a try? If it
does compile, when run it should produce the output "dispatch() array,

If it fails to compile, with messages similar to the real failure,
could you please ask one of your compiler engineers what the problem
is? It is compiling fine on GCC, VC++, Intel, etc.



  #include <iostream>

  template <class Container> inline
  void dispatch(const Container & c)
     std::cout << "dispatch() container\n";

  template <typename T, size_t N> inline
  void dispatch(T (&array)[N]) // T, N deduced
     std::cout << "dispatch() array, N=" << N << "\n";

  template <class Source>
  void path(Source const& source)

  int main()
    return 0;

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