> It appears that the vacpp tests have "using mpi ;" in user-config.jam, but
> somehow MPI is not set up correctly on there.  Which MPI implementation is
> being used there?  The IBM one?  Can someone check that amy Boost.MPI
> programs compile?  There are special things that need to be in
> user-config.jam based on the particular MPI implementation being used.
> Thank you.

Sorry.  It was an artifact of experimenting to see if the IBM MPI compiler could be used with Boost.MPI.  The user-config.jam had:
using mpi : /usr/bin/mpCC : : /usr/bin/mpiexec ;

Unfortunately, there are some issues that need to be worked out in order to use the IBM MPI compiler with Boost.MPI.  

I have removed the using mpi from the user-config.jam file.  Starting tonight the Boost.MPI tests should no longer run.

XL Compiler Development