On 1:59 PM, vicente.botet wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Bell
To: Running Boost regression tests
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Boost-testing] Could we know the last revision a testsucceeded?

BTW could someone explain me when a failing test is marked fail or broken? Is there something the maintainer needs to do to say the test is expected to pass?

${BOOST_ROOT}/status  files *.xml, *.xsd
Thanks. In this directory I see two xml files: expected_results.xml and explicit-failures-markup.xml
I guess expected_results.xml needs to be updated with the list of test that are expected to succeed or fail for a given toolset?
How the failling tests overlaps with the explicit failures in explicit-failures-markup.xml?

Maybe you already know this, but that mark-up is for tests that can't be made to pass. An expected-to-fail test that fails doesn't need an entry there.

Some testers runs the same toolset. How can we set that a test fails for a specific tester?

I'm beyond my knowledge here, but I don't think you can specify more than platform & complier.