On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Joaquin M Lopez Munoz <joaquin@tid.es> wrote:
Now that regression testers go against Github, the reported revision # is a
bunch of random hexadecimal digits (for instance, "rev 29e219")

Actually, they are the first six hex-digits of the commit SHA1. That's the usual way to identify Git commits, IIUC.
rather than
an increasing number like in SVN, which makes it very hard to determine at a
glance if a particular test pre- or postdates a revision one's interested in.

I see also that the reported timestamp, which looks like

 "Sun, 19 Jan 2014 06:08:04 +0000"

seems to indicate the time where the result file was generated, which is
of little use.

It is used to tell if the report generation is stalled.
