On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Belcourt, Kenneth <kbelco@sandia.gov> wrote:

I'm looking to increase the frequency that the test reporting runs at, it seems that both develop and master update on about a 4 hour cycle or so but I could be mistaken.  Could I work with whomever is currently running test reporting to help increase the frequency and also get some pointers on how best to run the reporting scripts, I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

For how to run the tests nowadays, see tools/regression/doc/reports.html in the super-project develop branch. Feel free to make corrections or additions.

I ran them for a few days, at off hours from Tom, but they really should run on a server rather than my deskstop.  Feel free tor run at the times Tom suggested.
