On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Tom Kent <lists@teeks99.com> wrote:
Both of my linux-development runners (teeks99-03, teeks99-04) are locking up during their runs. 

Here's the end of the output:
# Using bjam binary in '/home/tomkent/teeks99-03/a/tools_bb/src/engine/bin.linuxx86_64'
# Getting test case results out of "/home/tomkent/teeks99-03/a/results/bjam.log"...
boost_root: /home/tomkent/teeks99-03/a/boost_root
locate_root: /home/tomkent/teeks99-03/a/results
*****Warning - missing test path: boost-test(RUN) "timer/inspect" ["always_show_run_output"] :
  (Usually occurs when bjam doesn't know how to make a target)

At this point, the everything has stopped and the run doesn't progress (or timeout!), so it blocks the next runner from starting.

Any ideas?


Update, I'm also seeing it on windows, but the build doesn't keep going after that. It *immediately* starts processing the logs. 

C:\local\teeks99-02\g\boost_root\status>"C:\local\teeks99-02\g\boost_root\tools\regression\build\bin\msvc-8.0\release\threading-multi\process_jam_log.exe" "C:\local\teeks99-02\g\results"  0<"C:\local\teeks99-02\g\results\bjam.log" 
boost_root: C:/local\teeks99-02\g\boost_root
locate_root: C:\local\teeks99-02\g\results
*****Warning - missing test path: boost-test(RUN) "timer/inspect" ["always_show_run_output"] :
  (Usually occurs when bjam doesn't know how to make a target)
# Collecting test logs into "C:\local\teeks99-02\g\results\teeks99-02g-win2008-64on64.xml"...
