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From: vvasta (vvasta_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-02 10:52:15

Hi all,
I'm trying to use the iterator_adaptors class on Tru64. To make it
work I had to do the following changes:

In concept_check.hpp I had to change the code from this:

template <class Concept>
inline void function_requires()
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
  void (Concept::*x)() = BOOST_FPTR Concept::constraints;

to this:

template <class Concept>
inline void function_requires(type<Concept> t = type<Concept>())
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
  void (Concept::*x)() = BOOST_FPTR Concept::constraints;

because this compiler generates an error if a template parameter is
not used in the function declaration. In iterator_adaptors.hpp I had
to remove the parenthesis around all the if_true bool template
parameter from this:

       typedef typename if_true<( // original version
           )>::template then<
                typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer,
>::type pointer;
to this:

       typedef typename if_true< // Changed version no parenthesis
>::template then<
                typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer,
>::type pointer;

It is possible to put this changes in the original distribution in
order to avoid to put this changes in any new boost release I use ?

Thanks for your help

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