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From: Sam Gentile (ManagedCode_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-08 10:04:52

Hi Everyone,


I have a question that may appear somewhat strange-). I am working with
Partial Template Specialization and in particular how VC++ 7.1's
upcoming compiler supports it 100%. To that end, I would like to look at
and compile Boost code that makes particular use of this 1) to make sure
it compiles 2) show it working with VC++ 7.1, 3) Able to grok in fairly
short period of time and use in small pieces of demo code. I see a lot
of interesting possible things in Boost but 2 things that came to mind:
Smart Pointers (scoped_ptr) and concepts. Are there better ones for my
purposes and/or better "consumers" of partial templates?


Tangential question: I have been reading Alexandrescu's Modern C++
Design and am fascinated with his Policy Based Design. I am a novice in
the area of Generic Programming (having been in the managed world the
last 2 years) but was wondering if these were the same things as
Concepts or related?


I'm sorry if these questions seem kind of silly but I appreciate
everyone's patience.


Sam Gentile

.NET Consultant



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