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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-12 17:57:08

"Keith MacDonald" <boost_at_[hidden]> writes:

> I know you're in a hurry, so I'll just comment on the documentation as I go,
> rather than saving everything up until the end.
> 1. This is probably in the generator you're using for the HTML files: the
> cursor behaves like it's over an active link, when it's over a
> heading.

It's intentional. It *is* over an active link. You can bounce back
and forth between the TOC and the various sections. I happen to like
that behavior, but it could be turned off. I don't see a reason to,

> This is due to lines like the following:
> <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id6" name="new-style-iterators">New-Style
> Iterators</a></h1>
> It would be less confusing if the anchor tag was moved, like this:
> <a class="toc-backref" href="#id6" name="new-style-iterators"></a>
> <h1>New-Style Iterators</h1>

Why would that be less confusing?

> 2. I like the changes to the paragraph "Iterator Facade and Adaptor" in
> index.html. Using "type" instead of "iterator" was simple, but effective.
> 3. Have you considered adding a "road map" to index.html?

I hadn't.

> Possibly like the "Other Documents" links at the head of
> boost/libs/filesystem/doc/index.htm, or like the "How to read this"
> section in the Boost.Signals documentation. It would help the new
> reader judge how much time to allocate to reading the documentation,
> and provide a handy starting point, if you get lost.

It's a great idea.

> 4. I got the updated documentation using CVS update, which broke my copy of
> iterator_facade.hpp, because the CVS head copy contains this code:
> template <class Iterator, class Value, class Reference>
> struct operator_brackets_result
> {
> typedef typename mpl::if_<
> <<<<<<< iterator_facade.hpp
> iterator_writability_disabled<Value,Reference>
> , Value
> =======
> use_operator_brackets_proxy<Value,Reference>
> , Value
>>>>>>>> 1.15
> , operator_brackets_proxy<Iterator>
> >::type type;
> };

No it doesn't; that's just CVS respecting the local changes you made
to your copy of iterator_facade.hpp. You can update with -C to throw
those away.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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