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From: Jonathan D. Turkanis (technews_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-11-10 16:32:22

"Delfin Rojas" <drojas_at_[hidden]> wrote
> Yes and yes. I am aware boost::serialization needs to be built.

Okay, just checking that the computer was plugged in ;-)

> Anyway, I built the serialization static libs (no dll seems to be available
> at this time) and I'm linking against it. However I got the linker error I
> mentioned before. It seems for some reason I cannot serialize this container
> (set of wstrings). I also tried changing it to a list of wstrings and got a
> similar unresolved external. If I try to not serialize the container my
> program links perfectly.

One of our other technicians will have to help you with that. :-)

> Sorry my original post was in reply to a completely different one. That was
> my lazy way to get the email address in the "to" box. I changed the title
> but I forgot to delete the body of the previous email as I always do.

It doesn't bother me -- it just makes it less likely that others will see your
message, and results in erroneous archiving.

> Anyway, any help you guys can give me? I can try to come up with a small
> example of my problem if you guys need it.

This always helps.

> Thanks
> -delfin

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