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From: Mark Helzer (Mark_Helzer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-09 19:17:06

>> Sam results with static linking.
>> I'm not good with reading mangled names but it looks to me like they
>> are there. Am I perhaps missing a link option?
>I'm not familiar with the True64 linker so I can't say. What happens
if you build the
>examples with bjam - do those all build OK?

OK I think I found it -- using the ansi object model $cxx -c ... -model
I have always just accepted the default - arm. It was in the man page
for cxx and also in the documentation for the tru64cxx65 toolset. I
should read more carefully.

So it looks like all the code has to use ansi or arm, since I have a LOT
of stuff compiled in the arm mode, it would be better to build boost
using the "-sBUILD=<object-model>arm" switch, however now I'm back to
compile errors:

cxx: Error:
p, line 62: #434
          a reference of type "wchar_t *&" (not const-qualified) cannot
          initialized with a value of type "wchar_t [32]"
          detected during instantiation of "std::basic_string<charT,
                    std::char_traits<charT>, std::allocator<charT>> ...

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