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From: Roland Schwarz (roland.schwarz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-20 20:25:12

Roland Schwarz wrote:

> Michael Garriss wrote:
>> err. those exmaples got mixed up (thx Bklyn). global mutex breaks it
>> and member var mutex works.
> Using a global mutex causes the pthread_mutex_init to be called before
> main.
> A quick poll on the comp.programmin.threads showed the answer that
> this should
> be allowed. However I am still suspicious.
Beeing back from comp.alt.programming.threads I have to say that the
current boost usage
of the pthreads lib seems to be the culprit. Altough there seems to
exist a recommendation
to use mutexes in a global manner, the way boost is using this at the
moment seems to
prevent exactly this case. For the time being I recommend to avoid this

It has to be discussed if the situation can be improved. However in any
case I suspect
boost.thread will need to add the prerequisite of not allowing any use
of the mutex
before main has started up. I.e. specifically no threads may be started
from global

But please don't take this for granted now. More research will need to
take place.


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