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From: Hossein Haeri (powerprogman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-21 15:51:04


> > Am I missing anything? Isn't there any mechinary
> in
> > uBLAS which can compute the inverse of a matrix?
> That
> > being the case, isn't that hilarious? Or, if there
> is,
> > what's that?
> Care to elaborate why exactly you find that
> hilarious?

Pardon? Are you asking me whether I'm intersted in
implementing that for Boost? If yes, not a bad
offer... There are some other things I found hilarious
when I saw uBLAS lacks them. Consider determinant, for
example. (Does it?) Other rough ideas also sprang into
mind; such as diagonal iterator which simply iterates
the matrix along its diaginal. In case I haven't
misunderstood your question, let me know if your offer
is serious -- I should think of it. (I presume that
you're of the authorities of uBLAS, are you?)

(And that well means that uBLAS misses it, right?)

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