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From: Yutaka Leon Suematsu (yutaka_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-03 03:20:34

Hi everyone,

I am new at the excellent Boost library. It is an incredible source of smart
techniques and ticks.

I would like to ask if there is a way to evaluate, in compile time, the
existence of a specific constructor, except from the constructor default and
copy constructor (I know the functions has_trivial_constructor and
has_trivial_copy from the type_traits library). For example in the following
code, I would like to evaluate the existence of both "A(const Config&
config)" and " template <class Random> A(const Config& config, Random&
random) " constructors.

Class A
  A(const Config& config){.}
  template <class Random>
  A(const Config& config, Random random){.}

Also, I would like to know why and how the has_trivial_constructor works.

Thank you in advance for your kindly help.

All the best,

Yutaka Leon Suematsu.

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