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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-09 02:41:39

Alexis H. Rivera-Rios wrote:

> According to the documentation the line:
> desc.add_options()
> ("debug", po::value<std::string>()->implicit(),
> "enable debugging" );
> enables me to do something like this:
> myexec --debug
> However, if I do that I get an assertion error. The
> code
> requires a string so this will work:
> myexec --debug whatever
> What am I doing wrong? Is it me or is it the library?

I think it's the library. But in any case, I plan to remove the 'implicit'
flag in 1.33. Why do you want it? What about:

     ("debug", bool_option(), "enable debugging")

- Volodya

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