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From: Daniel Krügler (dsp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-08-05 07:24:29

(OK, this is my third try. I got problems with (re)subscriptions
**although** I am subscribed since years...)

Dear Boosters,

its quite a while that I could participate in this newsgroup, so maybe
my request is ol' stuff and has been answered 100 times. In case of that
I apologize for the following question:

I observe that boost::tuple::length in version 1.32 exist two template
specializations for empty tuples, namely

struct length<tuple<> > {
      BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 0);

struct length<null_type> {
      BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 0);

which lead to the unexpected effect that e.g.

typedef const tuple<> ConstEmptyTuple;
int k = length<ConstEmptyTuple>::value;

(modulo namespace issues) does not compile. The reason is obvious,
because deduction of boost::tuples::length<ConstEmptyTuple>
extracts "const tuple<>", which leads to the generic template

template<class T>
struct length {
      BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 1 + length<typename

which does not compile in this case, because const oost::tuples::tuple<>
has no tail_type. Similar situations arise for const null_type arguments
and corresponding volatile variants thereof.

To my humble opinion tuples::length should work independent of cv
qualification of the template arguments, but this route should of course
be gone in accordance to similar situations of "template predicates" in

One further indirection and usage of boost::remove_cv<T> could
simply resolve the described problem, such as:

// Define length_impl + 2 specialisation for tuple<> and null_type as
// currently done for length
namespace details {

template <typename T>
struct length_impl
       .. // as before;

template <>
struct length_impl<null_type>
       .. // as before;

template <>
struct length_impl<tuple<null_type, ...> >
       .. // as before;


// One single - not specialized - length template handling all cases:

template <typename T>
struct length
        static const int value = details::length_impl<
          typename ::boost::remove_cv<T>::type >::value;

What do you think?

Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Krügler

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at