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From: Ivan (ivan.rachev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-08-21 17:45:25

I am trying to automate object serialization to the extent that C++
programmers would put a macro into each class they want to serialize and
not do anything else. Much the same way as with the [serializable]
attribute in C# or Serializable interface in Java. I have a preprocessor
that generates template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &s ... )
function for each class the programmer wants to serialize and I require
the programmer to link against boost::serialization. Now with this char*
I need a solution that would not require the objects A, B, C and so on
to know about the file.ptr. In other words the generated serialize funcs
for A, B, C ... should not include code that uses file.ptr

This is actually why I need access to the internal IDs of objects that I
was asking about in the other post with a subject:
[serialization] how for a particular object to get ID that is assigned
by the lib


Robert Ramey wrote:

>You could do the following:
>a) serialize your gigantic character array.
>b) For each pointer you want to serialize serialize the displacement from
>the front of your array
> ?; // save to huge array using binary object
> unsigned int disp;
> disp = A - file.ptr;
> ar << disp;
> disp = B - file.ptr;
> ...
> ?; // load huge array using binary object
> unsigned integer disp;
> ar >> disp
> a = file.ptr + disp;
> ar >> disp
> a = file.ptr + disp;
> ...
>Good Luck
>Robert Ramey
>Boost-users mailing list

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