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From: Gennadiy Rozental (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-10-08 21:51:14

> Hi Gennadiy,
> I downloaded the 1.33.0 release and built it using this exact command
> line:
> bjam -sTOOLS=darwin --layout=versioned
> --prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_33_0/prefix
> --exec-prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_33_0/exec-prefix
> --builddir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_33_0 | tee
> /Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_33_0/BoostBuildOutput_1_33_0_Full.txt
> It got the errors as previously described. I built it again with the
> same command line, attempting to reduce the noise in the captured
> output, and tee'd it into BoostBuildOutput_1_33_0_Partial.txt.
> The attached zip file contains both of the text files that capture the
> output. Please let me know if I can do anything else to help.

Hi, Rush

I do not see any Boost.Test errors in an output. The only errors I see is
from linking of Boost.Test component. The person who supports darwin toolset
would be the one who could answer the best (log doesn't really contains any
indication what really happend - it's just failed to link and that's it, ).
Your best shot would be to reiterate the same issue on jamboost (Boost.Build
dev/support) group.


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