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From: Philip A. Naecker (phil_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-29 00:00:33

Thanks, Rene. The latest buld.jam was pretty close. But not quite there

The problem with #include <../native.h> I worked around by specifying an
additional include directory that points to ../ . But the real problem is,
as Boris pointed out, that the VMS compiler assumes the directory for
includes is relative to the current working directory, not relative to the
source file directory. So if you want to compile files with #include
<../native.h> and where native.h is in the parent directory, then you need
to cd into the subdirectory before compiling. That means you would also do
cc (filename) instead of cc [.modules](filename).

There is also a problem that build.jam seems to assume that object files are
named .o, and on VMS they are named .obj.

Also, the Link step fails, with:

[COMPILE.LINK] [.bin_vms]bjam.exe
%ILINK-F-OPENIN, error opening ") as input
-RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error

    link /EXECUTABLE=[.bin_vms]bjam.exe /NOMAP /NODEBUG ")

It seems that the link statement doesn't specify an input object module
name. That name should be the name that contains the main().

I was able to do the link by hand, so I have a bjam.exe. But I suspect
that won't do me much good, as what I need is the changes you made to the
build.jam also made to a number of other .jam files, right?

Thanks very much for the help so far.


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