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From: me22 (me22.ca_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-01 15:59:19

On 3/1/06, Calderon Hector <hhcalderon_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I still don't see how this could be done system-wide.

Usually it's up to your operating system, which will prevent opening
file for reading if someone's writing or for writing is someone's

> I think that boost::thread should have functions like hike_up() and slack()
> that try to change the priority of a thread. They would attempt to change a
> thread priority. Since it would be only a suggestion (just like
> string::resize is not mandatory), it would not be a problem for
> cross-platform support.

I think you mean reserve, but even reserve is mandatory ( though of
course it might reserve more ). A better example would be the inline

> PS. Are you implying that boost gods have a policy like "If it doesn't work
> consistenly for all supported OS, then it's not for boost"?

Portability requirements
    * A library's interface must portable and not restricted to a
particular compiler or operating system.
    * A library's implementation must if possible be portable and not
restricted to a particular compiler or operating system. If a
portable implementation is not possible, non-portable constructions
are acceptable if reasonably easy to port to other environments, and
implementations are provided for at least two popular operating
systems (such as UNIX and Windows).
    * There is no requirement that a library run on C++ compilers
which do not conform to the ISO standard.
    * There is no requirement that a library run on any particular C++
compiler. Boost contributors often try to ensure their libraries work
with popular compilers. The boost/config.hpp configuration header is
the preferred mechanism for working around compiler deficiencies.

Since there is no absolute way to prove portability, many boost
submissions demonstrate practical portability by compiling and
executing correctly with two different C++ compilers, often under
different operating systems. Otherwise reviewers may disbelieve that
porting is in fact practical.
from "Boost Library Requirements and Guidelines",

~ Scott McMurray

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