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From: Paweł Sikora (pawels_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-08 04:43:24

Dnia środa, 8 marca 2006 10:31, Paul Mensonides napisał:

> > Does anyone on the list has more insight on this issue?
> I've seen strange problems related to __LINE__ on VC before, but I can't
> remember off the top of my head what the issue was. (Thinking...) It has
> something to do with the generation of debug information. Okay, yes, I see
> the error that you are getting now. It only happens in during a debug
> build.

the __line__ is a *variable* in default m$ debug format, so change
DebugInformationFormat="4" -> "3" in *.vcproj or select appriopriate
option in project gui.

to_be || !to_be == 1, to_be | ~to_be == -1

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