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From: Robert S. Grimes (rsgrimes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-16 15:05:41

> You'll need to explicitly instantiate the templated code. Look in the
> library for text_oarchive.cpp on how to do this.

Did it, and after a few stumbles, it works!

> Including the following in rsg_text_oarchive class- which should
> not be necessary - diminished the number of warnings to 3
> // explicitly forward save for other types to the base class.
> template<class T>
> void save(const T & t){
> boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl<Archive>::save(t);
> }

It actually turns out that this isn't needed. I added at first, then when
the other issues were resolved, I thought I'd test whether it was needed.
Just to remind you, I'm using VC++ 8.0, so maybe MS has indeed made some
progress... ;-)

Thanks again!

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