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From: divick kishore (divick_kishore_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-24 05:44:54

   I have several questions related to boost.

1. Are boost::smart pointers thread safe especially
shared_ptr ? Although it seems but I still want to be
sure of that.

2. Why isn't there two flavours of every smart
pointers, one with multithread safety and one without.
If one is using some smart pointers in non threaded
mode, then still does one need to pay the penalty for
exclusive access ? What this means is that for example
when one is using shared_ptr which I assume is
implemented as counted pointer, any count increment or
decrement has to be lock protected in multi-threaded
case, which will be an overkill if one is using
shared_ptr in a non multi-threaded code.

3. To enable multi-thread safety for other various
libraries especially which are non-templates, does one
need to compile boost with some special flags passed
to the bjam? I am not sure whether this question is
suited for this mailing list or not. Correct me if
this is not the correct platform for posting this


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