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From: Rush Manbert (rush_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-27 16:52:30

Rene Rivera wrote:
>>If my conclusion that there is a build bug is correct, is there some
>>workaround possible to make the build succeed? (I looked at the
>>serialization jamfile and came away unenlightened. :-) Is there some
>>other explanation?
> Rush,
> It's the automatic linking, which we know doesn't work with the system
> layout option, which the Boost Serialization library uses internally by
> default. You can disable the autolink by defining BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB when
> building Boost as such:
> bjam "-sBUILD=debug release <runtime-link>static/dynamic
> <threading>single/multi <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB" ...
> Looking at your error output I believe that will fix it for you.

Thanks Rene, that did the trick. I think I understand now about auto
linking, because I had to fight with it again when I made my first
Windows app that linked against a Boost library.

I can see where the auto linking would be handy if it worked in all
cases. Is there any plan to fix it for the system layout case? Maybe in

- Rush

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