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From: Zachary Mark (zmark_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-28 16:18:12


We are using Boost threading as a part of our applicaiton. On multiple
Linux platforms, when we compile Boost's thread library from source and
use the compiled shared libraries (we are aware of the static linking
issues with the thread library) with our application, we get a deadlock
at different places in the application depending on which platform we
are using. When using a pre-built binary (for example, from Debian's
apt repository) for the thread library, the application does not
deadlock. There is otherwise no difference between the application builds.

We would like for us to be able to build Boost libs from source on every
target platform, so I would like to figure out exactly what our build
script is doing wrong with the thread library.

For reference, here is the relevant portion of the Boost build bash
script (this is a part of a larger script):

# run configure

cd libs/config || fail-configure
chmod +x configure || fail "error: could not change permissions on
${PACKAGE} configure script"
./configure || fail-configure
cp user.hpp ../../boost/config/

cd ../..

# build and install libraries

BOOST_LIBS="date_time filesystem program_options regex thread"

for LIB in ${BOOST_LIBS}; do
  echo "Building library ${LIB}..."
  bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -sBUILD="release" --with-${LIB} \
     --layout="system" stage 2>&1 || \
     fail "error: could not build boost library ${LIB}"
  bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -sBUILD="release" --with-${LIB} --layout="system" \
      --prefix=`pwd`/../../${INSTALL_DIR} install 2>&1 || \
     fail "error: could not install boost library ${LIB}"

Is there something that this script is missing or doing wrong that might
cause some of these deadlock issues? Thanks in advance for your help.

-- Zach

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