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From: shams (shams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-04 00:53:10


Here is a sample custom string class that I am tring to get working with
lexical_cast but it gives me compile errors. Can you please see what I am doing wrong here. More explanation below.

OTOH if I use a custom lexical_cast using wstringstream it works fine.

// main.cpp
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

#include "boost_1_33_1/boost/lexical_cast.hpp"

using namespace std;

class String : public wstring

        String(const wchar_t *str) : wstring(str)
        String& operator=(const String& Rhs)
                return static_cast<String&>(wstring::operator=(Rhs));

// This is commented cause lexical_cast wants bool return value.
#if 0
template<class OutputStream>
OutputStream& operator<<(OutputStream &o, const String &s)
        return o << s.c_str();

template<class OutputStream>
bool operator<<(OutputStream &o, const String &s)
        o << s.c_str();

        return true;

// This is commented cause lexical_cast wants bool return value.
#if 0
template<class InputStream>
InputStream& operator>>(InputStream &i, String &s)
        wstring ws;

        i >> ws;


        return i;

template<class InputStream>
bool operator>>(InputStream &i, String &s)
        wstring ws;

        i >> ws;


        return true;

int main()
        // This line causes errors both on MSVC and GCC.
        wcout << boost::lexical_cast<String>(10);

        // These lines DONT cause errors and work ok.
        String s = L"hello";

        wcout << s;
        wcout << endl;

        wcin >> s;
        wcout << s;
        wcout << endl;

        return 0;

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