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From: Sascha Seewald (vudu_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-07 15:12:37

Hi Boosters,

I´m playing around with the great boost::asio library but have problems
using the boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream.

I try to implement a very simple nntp-client:


void connect_and_retrieve_list_of_newsgroups()

  std::string line;

  // connect to server
  boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream s("", "nntp");
      if (!s)

  // read connection ack
  std::getline(s, line);

  // log
  std::cout << line;

  // check return code here. we assume everything is fine.
  // ...

  // send LIST command to request a list of newsgroups (see rfc 977)
  // the server will respond with one or more lines
  s << "LIST\r\n";

  // read response
  std::getline(s, line); // <-- waits here 'til server timeout



For some reason I don't get a response to the LIST command. After a few
minutes of waiting the server send a timeout notification. It is like I
had never sent the request.
The same code using sockets and asio::write() works ok.

So my questions are:
- In what way differ tcp::iostreams sending from asio::write() sending?
- Do tcp::iostreams append (or convert or drop) any characters of the
given string before sending?
- Is there a way to gain direct access to tcp::iostreams underlying
socket (at least for testing)?
- What am I doing wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated!


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