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From: me22 (me22.ca_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-30 12:09:24

On 8/30/06, Minkoo Seo <minkoo.seo_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I'm sorry, but what is the difference between them?
g++ processes arguments left-to-right.

>From #boost :
<> How can I determine which libraries I need to link against for any
given boost library?
<> I'm trying to use serialization and I linked against
libboost_serialization.a but the linker is still unable to locate a
whole bunch of symbols.
<me> did you have the lib before or after the object that uses it on
the command line?
<> before
<me> put it after
<> Awesome. Thanks.
<me> it only takes the stuff it knows it needs from the .a
<me> and before your object files, it doesn't need anything from the .a
<> If the .a is really big, but I'm only using one function from it,
does it need to include the entire .a, or does it only include that
function that I need?
<me> I'm fairly certain that it'll only take the needed bits from a .a
<me> if it took everything it wouldn't matter where in the argument list it was

I don't think you have a problem with this, but if it's going into the
docs it's an important distinction.

~ SWMc

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