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From: Ovanes Markarian (om_boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-12 13:58:06

I am just curios, why nobody considers policy based design. It is possible
to write a class template which would accept an initialization policy and
possibly a default constructor.

In this case a call to static member of the policy class is responsible to
provide a valid ostream instance where the output is done.

In my opinion this approach would work similar as Allocator passed class to
all STL container types. It is also possible to pass a default ostream
policy provider as default allocator is passed. This approach forces users
to submit valid initialization interface, without additional constructor
arguments. This can also be hidden by using some typedefs in some library
header files. The best example for this is std::string.

I do not think that approaches of .NET and Java are appropriate at this
point. C++ relies on static typing where .NET and Java postpones everything
to runtime.

With Kind Regards,
Ovanes Markarian

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Meyers [mailto:usenet_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 07:09
To: boost-users_at_[hidden]
Subject: [Boost-users] Library Interface Design

I have a question about library interface design in general with a strong
interest in its application to C++, so I hope the moderators will view this
at on-topic for a list devoted to the users' view of a set of widely used
C++ libraries. In its most naked form, the question is
this: how important is it that class constructors ensure that their objects
are in a "truly" initialized state?

I've always been a big fan of the "don't let users create objects they can't
really use" philosophy. So, in general, I don't like the idea of "empty"
objects or two-phase construction. It's too easy for people to make
mistakes. So, for example, if I were to design an interface for an event log
that required a user-specified ostream on which to log events, I'd declare
the constructor taking an ostream parameter (possibly with a default, but
that's a separate question, so don't worry about it):

   EventLog::EventLog(std::ostream& logstream); // an ostream must be
                                                // specified

I've slept soundly with this philosophy for many years, but lately I've
noticed that this idea runs headlong into one of the ideas of
testability: that classes should be easy to test in isolation. The above
constructor requires that an ostream be set up before an EventLog can be
tested, and this might (1) be a pain and (2) be irrelevant for whatever test
I want to perform. In such cases, offering a default constructor in
addition to the above would make the class potentially easier to test. (In
the general case, there might be many parameters, and they might themselves
be hard to instantiate for a test due to required parameters that their
constructors require....)

Another thing I've noticed is that some users prefer a more exploratory
style of development: they want to get something to compile ASAP and then
play around with it. In particular, they don't want to be bothered with
having to look up a bunch of constructor parameters in some documentation
and then find ways to instantiate the parameters, they just want to create
the objects they want and then play around with them. My gut instinct is
not to have much sympathy for this argument, but then I read in "Framework
Design Guidelines" that it's typically better to let people create
"uninitialized" objects and throw exceptions if the objects are then used.
In fact, I took the EventLog example from page 27 of that book, where they
make clear that this code will compile and then throw at runtime (I've
translated from C# to C++, because the fact that the example is in C# is not

   EvengLog log;
   log.WriteEntry("Hello World"); // throws: no log stream was set

This book is by the designers of the .NET library, so regardless of your
feelings about .NET, you have to admit that they have through about this
kind of stuff a lot and also have a lot of experience with library users.

But then on the third hand I get mail like this:

> The .NET libraries have many objects with many constructors that leave
the constructed object in a not ready-to-use state.
> An example:
> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter is a class that describes a bound
parameter used in a database statement. Bound parameters are essential to
prevent SQL injection attacks. They should be exceedingly easy to use since
the "competition" (string concatenation of parameters into the SQL
statement) is easy, well understood, and dangerous.
> However, the SqlParameter class has six constructors. Only two
constructors create a sqlParameter object that can be immediately used.
The others all require that you set additional properties (of course, which
additional properties is unclear). Failure to prepare the SqlParameter
object correctly typically generates an un-helpful database error when the
SQL statement is executed. To add to the confusion, the first ctor shown by
intellisense has 10 parameters (which, if set correctly, will instantiate a
usable object). The last ctor shown by intellisense has only 2 parameters
and is the most intuitive choice. The four in between are all half-baked.
It's confusing, and even though I use it all the time, I still have to look
at code snippets to remember how.

So I'm confused. Constructors that "really" initialize objects detect some
kind of errors during compilation, but they make testing harder, are
arguably contrary to exploratory programming, and seem to contradict the
advice of the designers of the .NET API. Constructors that "sort of"
initialize objects are more test-friendly (also more loosely coupled, BTW)
and facilitate an exploratory programming style, but defer some kinds of
error detection to runtime (as well as incur the runtime time/space costs of
such detection and ensuing actions).

So, library users, what do you prefer, and why?



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