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From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-09 16:37:33

Hi there, for whatever reason the compiler cannot decide the right
call to "make". Please consider the following code:

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

template< typename T >
void make( const T& t ) {}

template< typename T >
void make( const T& t, int i ) {}

template< typename T >
void make( const T& t, int i, int j ) {}

struct a {};
struct b {};

void foo( string& s, a ) {}
void foo( string& s, b ) {}

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
   string str( "Hello" );
   make( ( bind( static_cast<void(*)(string&, a )>( &foo ), _1, _2)(
ref( str ) , a() )) );

return 0;

I want to make a call to the first make taking just on parameter, the
bind object. But the compiler thinks something else:

test.cpp(29) : error C2780: 'void make(const T &,int,int)' : expects 3
arguments - 1 provided
        test.cpp(16) : see declaration of 'make'
test.cpp(29) : error C2780: 'void make(const T &,int)' : expects 2
arguments - 1 provided
        test.cpp(13) : see declaration of 'make'
test.cpp(29) : error C2784: 'void make(const T &)' : could not deduce
template argument for 'const T1 &' from
            F=void (__cdecl *)(std::string &,a),
        test.cpp(10) : see declaration of 'make'

How can I make that clear to the compiler?

Thanks ahead,

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