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From: Carsten Scholtes (carsten.scholtes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-02 02:11:11

>> I'm trying to use boost::graph's
>> adjacency_list<listS, multisetS,...>.
>> The documentation (
>> boost_1_33_1/libs/graph/doc/adjacency_list.html )
>> states for the function edge_range():
>>> This function only works when the OutEdgeList
>>> for the adjacency_list is a container that sorts
>>> the out edges according to target vertex, and
>>> allows for parallel edges. The multisetS
>>> selector chooses such a container.
> Edge selector comes before vertex selector, so perhaps
> you meant adjacency_list<multisetS, listS, ...>

Thank you very much for the quick help and pointing this out.
Now, it works.

Sorry to have taken your time for such a simple issue.

Carsten Scholtes

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