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From: Chris Fairles (chris.fairles_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-08 18:16:19

I give up! I cannot for the life of me figure out buffers and streams.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here's what I have so far:
filesize_ = fs::file_size(filepath_);
std::ifstream file(filepath_.file_string().c_str(), std::ios::in );
file.seekg (file_offset_, std::ios::beg); //offset typically 0 unless
resuming transfer

//just trying this for fun
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::send_buffer_size option;
data_socket_.get_option(option); //tcp socket
uint64_t size = option.value();

while (bytes_sent < filesize_) {
//i test a file 21200678 bytes long. This tranfers anywhere from
21135097 to 21196000.
bytes_sent += data_socket_.send(boost::asio::buffer(file.rdbuf(),

//this always transfers 21204202
bytes_sent += data_socket_.send(boost::asio::buffer(file.rdbuf(), size));

boost::asio::async_read_until(control_socket_, response_, "\r\n",
boost::bind(&FTPClient::handleRead, this,

write_some vs. send give same results.

I've also tried something like:
char buf[1024];
socket.write_some(buf, file.readsome(buf, 1024)); which deosnt read
all the bytes.

Sometimes if I check file.rdbuf()->in_avail(), it reports 0 using
above method and bytes_sent stops growing about 99% of the way

I tired setting the the socket linger option to true. No go. I tried
making the data_socket a buffered_write_stream, same results.

What am I doing wrong? Sometimes bytes_sent is exactly the file size,
but the remote file size is slightly less. Maybe closing the socket
stream too early? That sends an eof which the server responds to but
it should arrive AFTER the data i would think...

no clue. please help :) In the meantime, I'm going to go rip up some
FSF ftp client code from source forge heh.


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