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From: Ruediger Berlich (ruediger.berlich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-13 16:11:27

> It would help if we use specific examples. Let's say that you have
> // foo.cpp
> // Copyright 2007 Joe Q. Author. All rights reserved.
> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
> int main()
> {
> boost::shared_ptr<int> px( new int( 5 ) );
> }
> Are you concerned that this foo.cpp may be considered a derivative work of
> boost/shared_ptr.hpp?

Yes, this is the case I'm talking about. My intention is to make my
application, *including* its sources, available under a dual-licensing
scheme, pretty much in the way Trolltech does it.

> My non-lawyer opinion is that it isn't, even if we
> use a Boost interface that is not already in TR1 and on its way to C++0x.

That was also my original assumption when I did a quick cross-check of the
licenses of third-party software involved in my application, and I still
believe that the case you mention above is *not* derivative work.

However, during research on the Web I have realised that there is a rather
large variety of opinions about this topic. Indeed the very first answer to
my post to this list showed a different opinion (see Noah's post). So some
clarification (e.g. in the FAQ) might be needed, *particularly if library
authors have a different understanding of this topic* .

On the boost.devel list, David Abrahams strongly emphasizes the need for one
license. That, I would think, requires an agreement amongst Boost authors
of what the license entails.

If two authors use the BSL for their code, and one defines "usage"
as "derivative work" and the other doesn't, then they are not using the
same license.

> Are you concerned that foo.o/.obj is a derivative work of shared_ptr.hpp?
> It may or may not be - this is a somewhat gray area because of the
> inlining - but the BSL specifically places no restrictions on derivative
> works in .obj form.

Yes, I've seen that there is no restriction to derivative works in object


Ruediger (and sorry for kicking off this thread ... ;-)

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