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From: Gabriel Weilenmann (G.Weilenmann_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-27 14:48:22

Hi Everyone

I have a problem with threads which I don't understand. Well, it might be also connected to OpenCV, because it only occured while calling certain OpenCV functions so far:

void callCvShowImage()
    // OpenCV function to display an image in a window.
    cvShowImage("WindowName", image);

void callCvQueryFrame()
   // OpenCV function to grab an image from a camera.
    frame = cvQueryFrame( capture );

In a single thread program they work as expected:

callCvShowImage(); //Works well
callCvQueryFrame(); //Works well

In the multithreaded version they don't work. In my oppinion, exactly the same thing should happen as above. But surprisingly the functions suddenly don't execute anymore. thrdXX.join() block the program forever...

boost::thread thrdSI(&callCvShowImage());
// the program never gets to this point

boost::thread thrdQF(&callCvQueryFrame());
// the program never gets till here

Is there a way to fix this?
I could also use the thread library from Microsoft if you think this would help...
Obviously, I'm not much into threads. So please try to give me some examples together with your answer

Thanks to you people once more

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