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From: Oliver Kania (kania.oliver_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-11-09 08:24:31

I have the following two data structures:

std::map<const std::string, boost::shared_ptr< C >,
jedox::util::CaseInsensitiv > m_LookupName;
std::map<unsigned int, boost::shared_ptr< C > > m_LookupId;

Before serialization, the shared pointer - values of the maps do point to
sth. meaningful.
Afterwards, however, they point to data-structures with meaningless content.
The keys (strings / ints) are serialized / unserialized correctly.
I guess its a general problem with serializing shared pointers contained in
a std::map as values !?
BTW: the structures the shared pointers point to do have a serialization
method themselves and I a
assume that it is called when serializing the map.

I serialize / unserialize as follows:

template<class Archive>
            void save( Archive &ar, unsigned int version) const{

                m_offlineMode = true;
                bool oldCachedAll = m_CachedAll;
                m_CachedAll = true;
                ar & m_CachedAll;
                ar & m_offlineMode;
                // do not serialize the lock -- use the default constructor.
                // we assume that no iterators that lock the cache do exist
when serializing.
                // ar & m_Lock;
                ar & m_LookupId; // 1st structure
                ar & m_LookupName; // 2nd structure
                ar & m_SequenceNumber;
                //reset old state for the case we want to continue working
                m_CachedAll = oldCachedAll;
                m_offlineMode = false;

            template<class Archive>
            void load( Archive &ar, unsigned int version) {

                ar & m_CachedAll;
                ar & m_offlineMode;
                // do not serialize the lock -- use the default constructor.
                // we assume that no iterators that lock the cache do exist
when serializing.
                // ar & m_Lock;
                ar & m_LookupId;
                ar & m_LookupName;
                ar & m_SequenceNumber;
                //reset old state for the case we want to continue working

kind regards, Oliver

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