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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-11-16 04:47:56

Tomaž Šolc wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi
>> Documentation says that when using wide character strings with
>> boost::wregex a character class like [[:alpha:]] depends on the
>> system's implementation of iswalpha() function.
>> My system seems to have a working implementation of iswalpha()
>> function, but [[:alpha:]] still only seems to match ASCII alphabet
>> characters.

>> I'm using Debian GNU/Linux with Boost 1.33.1. I also tried a similar
>> program using boost::wregex and std::iswalpha() classes instead of
>> the POSIX interface with the same results.
>> Can anyone give me some advice on what I'm doing wrong here?

Nothing: it looks like a bug, the current implementation was changed to use
the C++ locale by default, but I forgot to change the POSIX API's to
explicitly use the C locale. Try setting std::locale::global to the
required locale and that should then work (provided your C++ std library
supports all the locales that setlocale does).

It's probably a bit late to fix this for 1.35, but will you please open a
Track issue at so I don't forget about this?

Thanks, John Maddock.

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