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From: Hendrik Belitz (hbelitz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-02-15 02:26:23

John Torjo <john.groups_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I haven't used eclipse, but I've used bjam.
> So I'd really expect a LOOOOT of problems.

I second that. And I would advise you to use a real build system instead of bjam to circumvent these problems (no pun intended, guys)... :)

Okay, seriously, using external build tools with Eclipse is a pretty straightforward process. As long as the build system is working as intended, there shouldn't be any problems. Just disable Eclipse's "managed building" (enabling user defined makefiles) for your project and tell Eclipse which tool to call to start the building process. I did not tested this for bjam, but for visual studio ( and CMake it works really nice.


Brilliance is typically the act of an individual, but incredible
stupidity can usually be traced to an organization. - Jon Bentley

Hendrik Belitz, Computer Scientist
email: hbelitz_at_[hidden]

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