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From: Marshall Clow (marshall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-04 20:16:57

>Suppose I have the following code:
>template< typename T >
>void DoFoo( int number, T object )
>void main()
> std::list<std::string> myStrings;
> // Assume myStrings is full of something...
> std::for_each( myStrings.begin(), myStrings.end(), boost::bind(
>&DoFoo, 5, _1 ) );
>On MSVC 9, this will not compile because DoFoo is a template, and at
>some point, boost::bind can't take a template as the function to
>call, or it can't deduce the function's template arguments. Is there
>a way I can make this work? Thanks.

Would this work?
      std::for_each( myStrings.begin(), myStrings.end(), boost::bind(
&DoFoo<std::string>, 5, _1 ) );

-- Marshall
Marshall Clow     Idio Software   <mailto:marshall_at_[hidden]>
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

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