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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-15 14:32:35

Christian Holmquist wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a class X : public intrusive::list_base_hook<> and would like
> to embed an additional member bool using the pointer_plus_bit.
> Can this be achieved using the value_traits somehow, and have the list
> working 'appropriately'?

It can be achieved using value_traits. Just repeat the following example:

but instead of defining this value_traits:

//Define the node traits. A single node_traits will be enough.
struct simple_node_traits
    typedef simple_node node;
    typedef node * node_ptr;
    typedef const node * const_node_ptr;

    static node *get_next(const node *n)
    { return n->next_; }
    static void set_next(node *n, node *next)
    { n->next_ = next; }
    // ...

Use this (supposing you want to embed the bit in the next pointer):

struct simple_node_traits
    // ...

    static node *get_next(const node *n)
    { return pointer_plus_bit<node*>::get_pointer(n->next_); }

    static void set_next(node *n, node *next)
    { return pointer_plus_bit<node*>::set_pointer(n->next_, next); }

I haven't compiled it, so it might contain errors. To access to the set
bit you should define a function that accesses next pointer and extracts
the bit, something like:

pointer_plus_bit<node*>::set_bit(x.next_, true);
bool ret = pointer_plus_bit<node*>::get_bit(x.next_);

Take in care that you should make sure that

has_pointer_plus_bit<void *, boost::alignment_of<node>::value>::value;

is true, otherwise, you won't have space to store the bit, because the
pointed type has not even alignment.

FYI, I've just erased pointer_plus_bit.hpp and substituted it with a
more generic pointer_plus_bits.hpp in Trunk. Now that I see that it's
being used, I will need to provide backwards compatibility.

I hope it works,


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