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From: Allen Cronce (allenslists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-08-29 12:49:06

Hi all,

I have the Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) SDK on my dev system. The
presence of this SDK prevents boost 1.36 from building:

./tools/jam/src/bin.macosxx86/bjam debug release --toolset=darwin --
architecture=combined --layout=system threading=multi address-model=32
link=shared,static macosx-version=10.4 --prefix=../1_36_0_install --
exec-prefix=../1_36_0_install install

boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build/feature.jam:466: in feature.validate-
value-string from module feature
error: "10.6" is not a known value of feature <macosx-version>
error: legal values: "10.5" "10.4" "10.3" "10.2" "10.1" "iphone-2.0"
"iphone-1.x" "iphonesim-2.0"
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build/property.jam:276: in validate1 from
module property
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build/property.jam:301: in validate from
module property
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build/property.jam:310: in
property.validate-property-sets from module property
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build/toolset.jam:151: in flags from
module toolset
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam:227: in init-available-
sdk-versions from module darwin
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam:178: in darwin.init from
module darwin
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build/toolset.jam:38: in toolset.using
from module toolset
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build-system.jam:434: in process-explicit-
toolset-requests from module build-system
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/build-system.jam:513: in load from module
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/kernel/modules.jam:281: in import from
module modules
boost_1_36_0/tools/build/v2/kernel/bootstrap.jam:128: in boost-build
from module
boost_1_36_0/boost-build.jam:16: in module scope from module

The workaround was for me to hide the SDK, run configure again, then
build. I still can't build successfully, due to an unrelated issue.
But I'll post that separately in order to try and keep things clear.

Snow Leopard will be here before you know it, so at some point the
boost build system should be updated to know about 10.6. For that
matter, maybe a new SDK would just generate a warning, not a hard error.


Allen Cronce

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