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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] wrap native C++ DLL used Boost libs, into .NET
From: Eric MALENFANT (Eric.Malenfant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-09-10 09:18:06

boost-users-bounces_at_[hidden], le 10 septembre 2008 02:01:
>> This sounds like the error you get when trying to use a native 32-bit
>> DLL in a 64-bit (or vice-versa) .NET process.
> Thanks, I have thought about this. I use WinXP x86 and /MACHINE:X86
> in my Visual Studio projects. In addtition, this assumption fails to
> explain the fact that working of the DLL depend on the using of the
> Boost headers.

I vaguely remember about problems wrapping native DLLs when the wrapped DLL has dependencies on other DLLs.
Boost libraries that are not header-only (like, IIRC, Boost.Thread) use the autolinking pragma "#pragma comment(lib, xxxx)" in their headers to automatically have the linker link their DLLs to client programs #include-ing their headers.

(I missed the beginning of this discussion, so sorry if I'm off-topic or if I repeat already rejected hypotheses.)

Éric Malenfant
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
- George Bernard Shaw

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