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Subject: [Boost-users] A lot of warnings with Boost.Filesystem
From: ancode tran (ancodecpp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-08 15:45:24

Dear boosters,

 I got 25 warnings in total from "boost/filesystem/path.hpp" and "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" about "comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions". This is because the type of dot<Path>::value (and the likes, e.g slash<Path>::value) is char regardless of the type of Path::value_type, which is an unsigned integral type in case of wchar_t.

Obviously, they are not errors but for me, these 25 warnings are too much and unfriendly. I hope this will be fixed in future version of Boost.

Thank you for reading this.

Best regards,

P.S: I use gcc(winxpsp2/linux) + boost 1.36.0 + stlport 5.1.6
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